Ataullah Mengal

Sardar Ataullah Mengal was born in 1929 at Wadh in Baluchistan he is well known political and feudal figure of Pakistan Sardar Ataullah Mengal is campaigning a nationlist and separatist movement for over four decades. He is the head of shahizai mangal tribe. It's pashtun Tribe which resides in eastern paktia and adjacent khost. He became first chief minister of Baluchistan during Zulfikar Ali Butto's premiership from 1 May 1972 to 13 February 1973. In 1958 he along with chief of Marri tribe ,Khair Bakhsh Marri joined the national Awani Party. Ataullah Mengal was one of the candidate's considered for the position of president of Pakistan after the resignation of Pervez Musharraf . His participation in Sindhi Baloch Pushtoon fornt in 31 march 1985 which held in London. In 1995 he returned to Baluchistan and formed B. N. P Baluchistan National Party where he served as the chief Minister of Baluchistan in 1997 in Nawaz Sharif Premiership.